Tuesday 29 October 2013

Sharks, sharks, turtles and mantas.

Well what a day. Up early yesterday (5am) to go out and hang in the blue to see if we can spot any hammerheads. Unfortunately not but a pleasant dive around the reef, not much to see but a dive. 

The next dive..........wow wow wow......white tip reef sharks, including a baby laying under the coral :-)). We saw a turtle and we also saw a baby eagle ray which decided to come and pose for us!  Then the finale just hovering on the reef watching shark after shark after shark pass by. We could have stayed all but due to air, or lack of it, we had to come up.

Next dive we saw more sharks, one of which swam close by across the reef near us. A turtle swam between us and an abundance of sea life everywhere, a lovely dive with a great ascent as fish were with us all the way.

When we thought it couldn't get better we did the night dive.  We were teased first looking for mantas from the back of the boat.  The boat light is put on which attracts the plankton which in turn attracts the mantas.  We saw a Manta about four times which made us really excited for the dive.....usually they scare me and I avoid them.  Once down we all put our torches down which again attracts the mantas and what a show we were given. We were told they would come near and not to move if they did as they wouldn't touch us. And near they came. A huge mouth open and coming towards us, what an experience. They seemed to put on a show! Again air dictated when we came up.  Buzzing isn't the word!!! :-)))

It's now 6.15 am and we are off for our first dive of the day.

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