You know you are having a fantastic holiday when you lose track of days! I think we have established it is now Thursday!
Yesterday was another great day. We did 3 dives, we had the option of 4 but decided on 3. The first dive was a small wreck - a boat deliberately sunk for divers. It was a pretty wreck and we were able to see a nudibrank and pipe fish. We then went across to a pinnacle, wasn't too much to see and the current had also picked up so was difficult to get around. At some stage we were finning as staying in the sane place!!! From here we went across to the reef. Most of the reef looked dead here so there was not much to see 😒.
The second dive we saw more sharks, 3 rays hovering above us and 2 eagle rays swam onto the cleaning station. Also saw a little black/purple flat worm :-).
Last dive of the day for us was more sharks :-), rays and a turtle sitting under a ledge and a beautiful top of reef to look at.
The afternoon and evening consisted of going to an uninhabited island and having a BBQ. Again amazing. The crews from the boats make sand sculptures. Our crew made a whale shark. Another boat made whale shark, a hammerhead and a ray....such talent :-).
Today has started with more sharks. Cuttle fish which Dave finds extremely cute and a large sting ray. We were also treated to a school of barracudas. I am not sure however if it gets better than the last dive where we sat on the sandy sea floor for an hour watching another manta show!! Absolutely amazing. We only left because we were very close to our no decompression limit!! As we ascended and looked around the reef another two gave us a visit....wonderful :-).
We are now on our way to see if we can spot whale sharks so fingers crossed :-).