Monday, 28 October 2013

Maldives October 2014

So here we are in the beautiful Maldives. I have to say the descent from the aeroplane was absolutely stunning.  The sea looked blue with beautiful little islands scattered around. For me I think it is probably the most wonderful I've ever seen when coming into land. Those of you that know me know I have a fear of flying so don't like to look out of the window during take off a and landing but this had to be seen!!  We travelled for about 13 hours between two planes arriving in Male at about 1.30 in the afternoon.  We were then transported to the boat by a smaller boat. This smaller boat is the one that takes us out on our dives. Once on the main boat, we were shown our cabins and then in the sea for our check dive.  The water was pretty murky but it was good to dive.
We then had dinner then it was off to bed. Dave was snoring immediately while I sat up greasing the O rings for the torches and cameras!! Thanks Dave!!! I must have slept well though as apparently there was a thunder storm and I didn't hear it!!
This morning we were up at 5.45 for our first dive. Again it was a bit murky however the second dive was clearer and we were able to see more. It was choppy trying to get out and as I was just about to climb up the ladder when I got hit by at least 3 large waves causeing me to hit the ladder rather than climb it.  I ended up with a bashed elbow and shin, I think I have small bruise on my arm and a beauty on my shin - ouch!

On the third dive we saw a ray and two white tip reef sharks :-)))) .  We did however have to abandon the dive as I started to get pins and needles in my arms and was worried it may be something worrying. Once I was on the boat I came out in blotches/rash.........made me even more worried as we saw nothing that could sting me and therefore concerned I may have a skin bend! I had oxygen as a precaution but once the dive guide was back he said there were jellyfish that couldn't be seen, he and others had also been stung :-((((.  Vinegar and antihistamine seemed to have helped so hopefully that's all it was. Gonna pinch Dave's rash vest tomorrow to cover my arms!

A friend has leant me a GoPro so have done a bit of filming with that, need to get the angle better though. There is no view on the back so it is a bit ig guess work what you are filming. I do have a little bit of shark footage :-).

Well that's it for now.


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