Wednesday 4 September 2013

Kimmeridge Bay

Today we decided to have a reasonably relaxing day but somehow that hasn't quite happened. We started off by going to Go Outdoors in Poole to get a few bits for the walk on Saturday. We then decided to head for Kimmeridge Bay. As we got there it was £5 for the car park which we didn't want to pay as we only wanted to have a nose first. There seemed to be no other parking!! We headed back down to Kimmeridge Village and had a cream tea and cider (well Dave aJ20). The manager said they were happy for us to leave the car and walk down to have a look at the bay. We managed to find a footpath and and find our way to the bay which is beautiful. We ended up chatting to a couple of cyclists who have been expoloring the area.

The rock formation is really amazing is part of the Jurassic Coastline. We went down to the Marine Centre who said diving is possible here and also explained there is a snorkel trail here.
We are hoping to come back tomorrow dependant on whether and we are hoping Kea will enjoy a swim too.

We are now back in the pub because of course we could not leave without another cider (diet coke).

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