Sunday 3 November 2013


Time to say goodbye. We packed our bags and had dinner last night then spent the evening chatting.  I didn't want to go to bed as it meant we would be leaving.  Dave and I were the first to leave this morning and it felt sad to say goodbye.  Some new friends had got up early to say goodbye, if you are reading this, thank you, it meant a lot :-).  We then had our heavy cases loaded on the dingy!!! We then had to get on ourself without falling in the water.....we did it then giving and receiving lots of waves. A taxi took us to the airport so we were able to see some of the local lives.  The houses looked a bit like barracks in the area we passed through. For some reason we were surprised that the Maldivian's drive on the same side of the road of us!  Part of the journey included crossing the airport runway and a sign saying "Give way to aircrafts" - a little unsettling :-).  

We are now waiting to board the plane and looking forward to seeing the photos and videos.

More importantly we can't wait to get home and see the family and Kea (the dog) :-))).

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