Friday 1 November 2013

Living the dream!

Three dives so far today! The first dive Dave didn't want to do so I went off on my own. The others in our little group had also decided to stay in bed so I had the dive guide to myself, brilliant :-)). Not a great deal to see but saw a few nudibranks, small morays, turtle and a shark!!  Vis was a bit low but a pleasant dive with just two of us :-).  On return Dave was up and waiting for the dohni.......I thought it was lovely he was waiting for me to return but now I'm thinking it was because he wanted breakfast :-).

Second dive was a wreck dive which was lovely, again some nudibranks, blue dragon fish (I think that's what they are called), a moray in a tyre! Pipe fish, rock fish and other marine life that I can't remember but a lovely dive.  I think we also saw a large shrimp that was in the sand :-) 

Third dive.....what can I say!! We went back to the manta feeding station and were given another wonderful show........,.it is such a lovely feeling sitting on the sandy bottom while the mantas just cruise by :-).

We are now just waiting for the briefing for a night dive......with sharks I believe.  A bit scared but also a bit excited!!!!!

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